Cultural Competency/Cultural Responsive Teaching
Our cultural competency training is flexible, and tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual school. Our goal is to provide educational professionals with comprehensive information that increases cultural and self-awareness, and builds cross-cultural knowledge that leads to effective student/teacher/parent interaction. This training facilitates the removal of cross-cultural barriers to positive educational outcomes through exploration of the personal and professional deminsions of Culturally Responsive Teaching. This topic is inclusive of culturally and linguistically appropriate teaching information.
Coaching/Curriculum Development/Planning
From early education to college, we have the expertise to successfully coach education professionals. We provide visionary and strategic planning, goal setting, object alignment and relevant assessments. We also assist in skill assessment and development, micro to macro planning, curriculum alignment, and goal implementation and achievement.
Parent Involvement & Skill Building
Beyond PTO membership, and parent/teacher conference attendance, we work with parents and school personnel to increase parental involvement in their child’s overall educational experience. We motivate parents to strengthen their voices and become effective advocates for their children. Our parent related services range from training key staff members to serve as school “parent champions”, to conducting parent orientations and conferences. Our services are geared towards parental skill building, concentrating in the areas of results oriented advocacy, and effective parental involvement. Included in these sessions are stimulating information and conversations aboubt Cultural Competence, Diversity and Equity in schools, and the roles of parents.
Trauma Sensitive Teaching
Flexible and tailored to meet the needs of the school, this training focuses on how adverse childhood experiences impact a child’s interpersonal interactions, learning style, attention span and behavior. This training facilitates shifts in the typical classroom approaches, from punitive to supportive and empowering, expands the knowledge of school personnel, and increases compassionate interaction. Trauma Sensitive Teaching takes into account the lives that children live outside of school. Participants will gain an increased understanding of the potential healing that occurs in various moments throughout the school day, and will build a capacity for understanding and viewing students through a trauma-informed lens: understanding behavior as a symptom and not the problem. The skills gained will positively influence productive navigation of socio-emotional issues that influence educational outcomes, and increase overall student well-being.
Social Emotional Learning and Inclusion
This module approaches the concept of inclusion differently by emphasizing the importance of self-examination of our own attitudes toward students with mental disabilities, and by preparing the teachers and students to understand and accept the student with special needs. We facilitate better student accommodation by shifting classroom culture to be more flexible and supportive. The professional development results in skill advancement, whereby individuals learn to understand and moderate their own feelings, understand and respect the feelings of others, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and develop healthy, trusting relationships. The end result is increased learning for all students.